Tag Archives: progressive rock

In The Hall Of The Mountain King (Edvard Grieg) on bass

As you all know, my roots (as a listener and practitioner) are in classical music.

In this cute punk rock track we played at our 21.03 gig at Lepakkomies, Helsinki, I pay homage to the immortal Edvard Grieg during the intro (this is featured in the EP recording as well): In The Hall of the Mountain King! Wearing the Ghost mask too 🙂

“You (The Red of Ambition)”, my new song

My new song “You” is a poignant and intense reflection on the role of Ambition in human actions and history. Inspired by #Stendhal and #Dostoevsky. Hailing from my Odalisque years, the song was unreleased, so I did a robust rework.

This one is now distributed and you can find it on Spotify etc.

Here is the Soundcloud link, go and check it!

Davide Costella on drums and Second Order Effects on keyboards.

Quantum Arkanum now digitally distributed

…and now also Quantum Arkanum is available on #Spotify, #Deezer and all the other digital distribution media 😄. This is my Yin side, dark and symbolic, dealing with Greek and Egyptian cosmogony and ancient myths such as the cult of Amun-Ra. The beginning of a long and comprehensive project. Check it out!

Vocals for Quantum Arkanum recorded

Some update about my upcoming Quantum Arkanum EP: the vocals for track #2 are now recorded. The song is heavy on symbolism and gnostic traditions, consistently with the EP’s title.

If Event Horizon https://g.co/kgs/4AB8BA is my Yang, progressive and rather bright sounding, Quantum Arkanum is my Yin, featuring dark atmospheres based on doom metal arrangements. Still quite progressive anyway, but with a different flavour.

Tracks #1 and #3 are going to be instrumental, while #2 features vocal parts and lyrics on Egyptian cosmogony and occultism. A mix of English and Ancient Greek.

Forecast for the release date: end of June/mid July. Stay tuned!